Pelargonium graveolens
Middle note
Keyword: Balancing
Geranium is useful for most skin conditions due to it's balancing action. It is good for menopause, hormone balancing, irregular periods and skin problems. It can also help with mood swings.
It has a floral, sweet smelling aroma helping to balance skin and emotions.
Method of Use:
Massage: Mix up to 2 drops in total with other essential oils for massage, Making the blend a total of 6 drops diluted into a carrier oil of your choice. In all cases, less is more.
Diffuser/oil burner: 4-5 drops in TOTAL with other essential oils.
Bath: Can be mixed with other essential oils, never exceed MORE than 6 drops in total for the oil blend. Add the oils to an egg cup of full fat milk to disperse in the bath water.